1. We offer 10 days hassle free exchange and returns from the date of delivery.
  2. In the event you receive a damaged/defective product or a product that does not comply with the specifications as per your original order, you can initiate a return by clicking the “Return Items” button in the Orders section of My Account. Fill out the required details correctly in the form and then click “Submit Return Request”.
  3. We will only accept our articles that are returned in their original packaging, are unused, unwashed, and undamaged with all tags intact.
  4. Upon receiving your return request, COLTIN shall verify the authenticity and the nature of the complaint and if COLTIN is convinced that the complaint is genuine, COLTIN will initiate either a replacement or a refund depending on the option that you selected on the Returns form.
  5. In order to return any products sold through the Website, you are required to comply with the mentioned conditions below:
    1. Please notify COLTIN of receipt of a damaged or defective product within 48-hours of delivery to you. If you are unable to do so within 48-hours, COLTIN shall not be held liable for the failure to replace the order.
    1. Products should be unused.
    1. COLTIN will arrange pick-up of the damaged/defective product through its own logistics partner.
    1. Products should be returned in their original packaging along with the original price tags, labels, barcodes, and invoices etc.
    1. It is advised that the return packets should be strongly and adequately packaged so that there is no further  damage of products during transit.
    1. The returned products are subject to verification and checks by COLTIN to determine the legitimacy of the complaint/ return.
  6. In the event the return of a product is duly accepted by COLTIN, the value of such product, as originally paid by you during acceptance of delivery of product or otherwise, will be 100% refunded to you. Refund will be processed based on the mode of payment and COLTIN or the approved payment gateway will credit your refunds directly into your debit/credit card or online accounts or provide you with a cheque in this regard. Refunds will be subject to the following:
    1. Orders paid online will be refunded within 5-21 working days through the online account or via cheque, depending on the then current circumstances as determined by COLTIN.
    1. If the original payment method you used to make the payment (credit/ debit card) is no longer valid, we’ll issue the refund through a demand draft. When we receive a payment failure notice from your bank, we will send you an e-mail asking you to call us. When you call us back, we will collect your name and the address where you want the demand draft to be sent and proceed with the refund.

Before accepting shipment of any product, kindly ensure that the product’s packaging is not damaged or tampered. If you observe that the package is damaged or tampered, we request you to refuse to accept delivery and inform COLTIN at the earliest.