Did you know that each year, millions of tons of clothes are thrown away? And that every second, a truckload of clothes is burnt or buried in landfill ? It’s time for us to help support and promote sustainable Fashion.
How we work
- Order received
- Pack in consideration of nature friendly material
- Deliver happiness at your doorstep.
OUR packaging style
- 50+ microns plastic packaging for product
- Butter paper inside the product
- Paper carry bag
Your contribution in the process
- Trust the brand who take care of nature
- Wear great quality product with Best in design and comfortable
- Pledge to support with us and follow sustainable fashion
- You save mother earth by reducing wastage
- !Happy You! Happy we!!
Our Contribution
- Always take care of your fashion style
- Your trust our responsibility
- Care of the product
- Care of the Nature
You+ We + Sustainable fashion = Save Mother earth